About Me Therése WHDYARN

Wool Hands and Dye of Sweden - Is the start of a dream!

I grew up in the forests of Småland near Kalmar and as a child of the 70s I ran freely in the woods and fields.
Nature was all around, the paths around the house were cut with scythes and it was a natural part of life with plants and animals.

The animals on the farm were fur sheep, nowadays called Gotland sheep.
Crops were grown and harvested, herbs were picked and boiled to make ointments and creams for what was needed, made under the occasional rhyme at full moon that only wise women understand.

Stories like "Come into my night, Come into my dream" were read in front of the fireplace during the colder part of the year. That upbringing has never left my soul, it's still there and comes through in much of what I do.

The education was aesthetic with ceramics and drawing as main subjects, even if the clay is now dug up from the vegetable garden as I live on an old lake bed, the garden generates variety with color and shape.

Sheep in the form of wool has once again become a central part of my life, to have the opportunity to explore the material together with colors inspired by nature around with fields and meadows full of animals on the doorstep.
There are foxes to the horror of the hens, wild boar occasionally add new forms to the garden, deer and roe deer graze and sleep here.
There are clear traces of the buck's progress. They sweep their horns through the garden, on both magnolias and currant bushes, before the poor blueberry bushes are grazed along the ankles. They were planted many years ago and the hope was that they would become large and lush but they do not give up and thanks to the wool grease on the leaves, the bushes, after the first buck rush, have been left alone and now reached almost knee height. Even the snails seem to shun the wool grease!

Now the circle is closed and a new round begins and this is what starts with this dream, a hope that it will grow and become a joy for many, not just me.
My wish is that the yarn reaches you and that I have the opportunity to give you the same joy and feeling that I get for each colored skein that is created.

Welcome to see where it goes in the moonlight with some muttered rhymes and a little spit water on the magic seed..... to all of you who have read the book and dreamed and to all of you who still have an adventure to discover.

Therése Stjernquist
Wool Hands and Dye of Sweden